Freshman year a TI calculator that added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and did % cost $170. Tuition was $137. A US made slide rule cost $1.98 and required no costly batteries. Our Chem, Phys, and Calc Prof did not question our answers of 2.76 × 10 to the negative 7m/s2 =+ or – 10 to the 7Rich kid flunked because they did not have the math to realize their electronic gizmo was off or that they had fat fingers. They ended up working for the government.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Freshman year a TI calculator that added, subtracted, multiplied, divided and did % cost $170. Tuition was $137. A US made slide rule cost $1.98 and required no costly batteries. Our Chem, Phys, and Calc Prof did not question our answers of 2.76 × 10 to the negative 7m/s2 =+ or – 10 to the 7Rich kid flunked because they did not have the math to realize their electronic gizmo was off or that they had fat fingers. They ended up working for the government.
Yukoneric over 13 years ago
Still have mine and my dad’s slide rules. COLLECTOR items! I sold calculators back in the day: four function LED display 4 button cells= $150!!!!
Yukoneric over 13 years ago
What has happened to FREE education?
coratelli over 13 years ago
Eh eh eh, great list.