Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 24, 2011
Nate says, "I think he is. I really do." Teddy says, "Freaky." Francis says, "What's freaky?" Nate says, "We think that guy over there might be dead." Francis says, "What? Oh, come on! He's probably just asleep!" Nate says, "No, Francis! Teddy and I have been watching him for an hour!" Teddy says, "He hasn't move once. I don't think he's breathing!" Francis says, "Well, shouldn't we tell a lifeguard or something?" Teddy says, "I think first we need to find out for sure if he's dead." Nate says, "I know! I'll huck a frisbee over there, and when I go get it, I'll be close enough to get a good look at the guy!" ZING! Man says, "Throw that thing near me again, and it'll be the last thing you'll ever throw." Nate says, "Not only is he alive, I think I might have seen him last week on 'America's Most Wanted'."
BigSlurpy over 13 years ago
Poke him with a stick.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 13 years ago
Is that the school bully’s dad? What in the world is his name?
buddytoe over 13 years ago
michael100 over 13 years ago
on the second to last panel nate looked funny.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 13 years ago
Thanks! I just couldn’t remember. I kept thinking of Moe. Moe’s the bully in Calvin and Hobbes. Right?
bignate creator over 13 years ago
There isn’t a Chester’s dad character in the strip. This guy on the beach is exactly that: a guy on the beach.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago
That guy’s mean you know that Nate.
bignate creator over 13 years ago
Fortunately, in comics people don’t have to behave reasonably!
Creature950 over 13 years ago
Nate, this is your chance to get rich.
Maxito over 13 years ago
LOL what a way to waste a beach holiday, Watch-out for dead GUYS.
ineza over 13 years ago
Lmao! He is on AMW!! Run boys, Run!!
astar15 over 13 years ago
Sallymargaret, you are so right!
Mixter123 over 13 years ago
heres what Nate looked like in an emote: O_O
koopatroopafan about 13 years ago
thats chilling
2121Isaac about 13 years ago
whos sallymargaret?
jeeman77 about 13 years ago
chester’s dad!
THE #1 COOL KID! over 9 years ago
ILoveBigNate136 about 2 years ago
That guy’s hairy and has a tattoo on his left arm.