I don’t if if the licensing has anything to do with all these juumps between story lines or not. I tried looking up Li’l Abner books online once and saw that some of years between strips were missing. Either AL Capp took time off between during those years or those strips are missing somewhere. Yes, Daisy Mae does look better in the later stips. I just fell inlove with her when I first saw her. Li’l Abner got a bit of a make over himself. Don’t they make a good couple together?
tvavrek about 13 years ago
This is the third time I have seen this jump between these two story lines. I guess they have licensed only part of the series.
chris_o42 about 13 years ago
And Daisy Mae got her make-over!
JollyRoger56 about 13 years ago
I don’t if if the licensing has anything to do with all these juumps between story lines or not. I tried looking up Li’l Abner books online once and saw that some of years between strips were missing. Either AL Capp took time off between during those years or those strips are missing somewhere. Yes, Daisy Mae does look better in the later stips. I just fell inlove with her when I first saw her. Li’l Abner got a bit of a make over himself. Don’t they make a good couple together?
WW2 Marine Veteran about 13 years ago
Yep, looks like some panels were jumped so we didn’t get to see how Li’l Abner got cut down.
elchucko1 about 13 years ago
I love the Fearlee fosdick. I hope they run at least 2 weeks…
elchucko1 about 13 years ago
monawarner about 13 years ago
Sanity a handicap. Well, that does explain a lot.
verdammte narr about 13 years ago
contrary to popular belief I do not suffer from insanity! I’m enjoying every minute of it!