Li'l Abner by Al Capp for April 21, 2012

  1. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 13 years ago

    I can’t read the letters but I bet it’s where they “black out” Dogpatch.

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  2. Mister ed color logo square
    Mister-Edd  almost 13 years ago

    Dear Commisioner:

    In my next sequence, I plan to have an atomic ray do the following things: -— - -—— -- -—— -—— - -—— -- -. Is this possible?

    Al Capp

    Oak Ridge Atomic Project

    Dear Mr. Napp:

    Not quite. An atomic ray cannot -— - -——, but it can -—— -—— - - -——However, if you don’t watch out, it’s liable to -——- -—- - -—— -— —. Incredible, isn’t it?

    (Illegible Signature)Commissioner

    Dear Commisioner:

    It most certainly is: Can I use all this amazing information?

    Al Capp

    Oak Ridge Atomic Project

    Dear Mr. Zapp:

    You can use the part about the -— - -———, but not about the trans-circular video electronic synchro-syntax, with the anodes on the side.

    (Illegible Signature)Commissioner

    Dear Commisioner:

    Your letter makes everything clear. I had thought that the trans-circular co-axial (with the hydromatic shift) was always gamboved by ice cubes. However, I realize now that the over-sized ghim-whams (paregorically speaking, of course) are inevitably attracted to the solliclavicle surfaces (except naturally, if you should find a pair that fits you, in which case you must refund the downpayment). It has been a pleasure to have this scientific correspondence with you.

    Al Capp

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