Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 27, 2002
"Dear Lions, As you know, my zebra herd has written to you numerous times to try and improve our relationship." "Given that these efforts have not been successful, the temptation is to blame the other party." "However, as such accusations could only be counter-productive, we zebras have taken it upon ourselves to examine our own possible fault in this." "Why are we constantly killed?...Perhaps we are defeatist...Perhaps we have unresolved childhood scars that create a feeling of unworthiness...Perhaps we're enablers." "We invite you to examine your own motives in this and reflect thoughtfully upon why it is you feel compelled to kill...We look forward to receiving your thoughts." "YOU TASTE GUD." "Sigh."
11256 almost 13 years ago
poor zebra
zianrocks2468 about 12 years ago
comicsnerd74 almost 10 years ago
Look at the 6th panel!He’s sooooo adorable while he’s sleeping!(goes totally fanboy/fangirl)
Rachel_E over 4 years ago
Kirbo almost 4 years ago
they know where he lives now
thats not good
Junior over 2 years ago
Last panel reminds me of Charlie Brown