Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for January 18, 2004
"The Adventures of Angry Bob. By Rat." "Angry Bob was angry. He went to the zoo." "Bob bought a pretzel and a can of soda pop and sat on a green bench facing the monkey cage. The hungry monkeys stared at Bob." "'It is a good day for the zoo,' Bob thought. 'It is sunny and the pretzels are warm and the soda is refreshing.'" "'I am happy,' Bob exclaimed. 'I thought I needed booze or new houses to be happy, but I do not. All it took was a warm pretzel and a refreshing soda and a comfortable bench by the monkey cage.'" "A projectile struck Bob in the ear. A monkey screeched. More projectiles followed. Bob ran.." "...Straight into the path of the zoo's biannual 'Parade O' Elephants.'" "Bob popped like a grape and died." "Don't taunt monkeys."
joeshmo30 almost 12 years ago
HASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! he poped like a grape LOLOL! XD
Zankchi11 over 9 years ago
squiglyman about 9 years ago
of course he dies again
Comicness7 about 6 years ago
This is the first Andgry Bob. It’s historical.
Schadenfreude almost 5 years ago
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whimic249 5 months ago
why did he drink so much beer