Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for August 01, 2004
Talking to the Dead with your host, Rat "Is there a Karen in the studio audience tonight?" "Yes, me!...It's me!...I'm here with my brother..." "Hullooooo...Hi there..." "And I'm told you have a cousin who's passed." "We do...Yes, we do..." "Wait...wait...I think he's here...I think this is him...He's telling me that when his life ended, his heart.......his heart.....STOPPED?" "Yes! Yes! When he died, his heart stopped." "And I think...I think...I think I'm seeing his face...Did your cousin have...did he have...a FOREHEAD?" "Yes! He did! He did!" "Whoa...Hang on...I'm feeling this very strong...He's...He' me his name...Yes...He is giving me his name...Is it...Is it...BOB?" "IT'S HIM!!!" "WE LOVE YOU, BOB!!" "Wow...How does he DO that?" WE MISS BOB TALK TO US BOB
m.l. over 12 years ago
Ernest Lemmingway almost 10 years ago
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” – H. L. Mencken
.It’s called “cold reading,” in case anyone cares. I used to do Tarot readings for free in high school; all I did was say what the cards represent and folks filled in the meanings themselves. Exact same principle. And I don’t know whether to laugh (because there are people that stupid) or cry (because I have to live in the same world as them) over how true to life this strip still is.
squiglyman over 9 years ago
lol idiots
SomeOtherGocomicsGuy over 6 years ago
I saw pig in the backround. He really IS stupid!
Lizi over 6 years ago
Same crap being pulled by one “Master Lu” of 心靈法門. And he filled a stadium full of overseas Chinese Buddhists.
PBS1! about 5 years ago
This should be a Saturday Night Live sketch
Witherbomb over 4 years ago
AdriLeemput about 4 years ago
“South Park Did it! South Park Did it! …”
Fatjud over 3 years ago
How did Rat know it was a cousin?