Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 26, 2005
"Dear Mr. Comic Syndicate Editor, I have noticed that in the last couple years, comic strip syndicates have released comic strip after comic strip that are meant solely to appeal to one specific minority group or another." "In doing so, they have ignored the fact that many of these strips ismply are not funny." "Call me nuts, but I think a comic strip should bee judged upon whether or not it is funny." "As such, I think that both comic strip artists and syndicates need to stop taking the easy way out by manufacturing these forced demographic strips that garner comparitively easy newspaper sales and instead, take a chance on a strip based solely upon it's level of comedic content." "Only then can the "funnies" pages return to the business of being funny..." "P.S. Enclosed please find my comic strip, "Bela, the one-legged Albanian blind boy whose divorced parents speak fluent Spanish."" "...It's muy bueno."
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
That explains Prince Valiant.
DarthRevan almost 7 years ago
Not a lot, if any, people that apples to rat.
BOSFLASH over 6 years ago
Quick: Target that demographic.
Bye Bye Jeffy about 4 years ago
muy bueno=very good
Earls Before Swine Premium Member about 2 years ago
Stephan mentioned in The Crass Menagerie that he got criticized by an author of a demographic strip a few months later for this. Anyone happen to know what he was talking about?
Pig is Supreme 12 days ago
This is definitely true.