Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for November 26, 2006
"Hiya, Rat." "What's that you're doing with your hand?" "It's how I indicate 'hi' or 'bye,' dude... I noticed on 'Entertainment Tonight' that none of the cool Hollywood types ever actually SAY 'hi' or 'bye'... they just make the peace symbol." "But you're sticking out your thumb, too." "I know... that's my special touch... By adding an extra digit, my gesture is 50% cooler than their gesture... and it's hecka cooler than your dumb 'hiya.'" "You do it like this?" "Dude... that does not mean YOU can use it. This is for cool people. You're barely a third of my cool." "Then what can I do?" "Well, if I'm entitled to three fingers, I'll graciously permit you one?" "Okay... how's this?" "Hey... what the @#*#'s that supposed to mean you @#*#@#* pig?... <i>I'll teach you to-</i>" "POW" "SMACK" "SMACK" "@*#*@T" "...Stick with 'Hiya.'"
idroppedmygum over 13 years ago
on accident!
m.l. over 12 years ago
PearlsBe4SwineFreak13 almost 12 years ago
For those who don’t get it, Pig stuck his middle finger.
Hello zeeba neighba over 5 years ago
OMGosh Pig is so innocent poor guy doesn’t even know what he did
daHunter3 over 4 years ago
Poor pig…
marjmk over 2 years ago
misterblister 9 months ago
this is probably the first and only time pig flipped off somebody.