Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for January 14, 2007
"...And den if Floyd attack dis way and Bob attack from dis way..." "What are you doing, Larry?" "Woomun, peese! Dis serious plan of bissness. Is you stoopid?" "Ooooh, so this is a strategy session??" "You beleeve dis, Floyd? Dis what me have put up wiff." "Gimme a break, Larry! You haven't caught a thing in <I>three years!</i>" "Ohhkay, fat mouf! You want know?! Me tell! Farmer down street buy rooster! Ees black. Ees smart. And we is gonna KEEL!" "That's a weathervane, Larry. It's not alive." "Dis changes plan."
Zebra about 7 years ago