Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for December 23, 2007
"I have developed a theory that explains the entire human condition. It's called 'airplanseatreclineology.'" "What is it?" "Two people. Each in cramped conditions on a plane. Person 'A' can lessen his discomfort by reclining his seat... but there's a catch." "What's that?" "His increased comfort can only come at the expense of Person 'B,' who is further cramped by the reclined seat in front of him." "So why would Person 'A' do it?" "Because the airline says he can. And that's 'airplaneseatreclineology'... people will do what they CAN, regardless of its effect on others. And that's why the world is in the state it's in." "So why don't you do something to try and change it?" "Because I'd slam my fellow passenger's head in a retractable tray table if they let me." "Wonderful." "Hey... philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
ShpelChekz almost 9 years ago
I love mankind it’s people I can’t stand.
Dumb Ass on The Hill almost 4 years ago
This was actually interesting up until the 5th panel