Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 21, 2010
Goat says, "What's that in your ear?" Rat says, "Bluetooth. I've formed my own public relations agency, and I need to be in constant communication. This is my first client, Mr. G. Duck." Goat says, "Guard Duck? Why would you hire Rat?" Guard Duck says, "I had a little incident, and now everybody's in a tizzy." Goat says, "What happened?" Guard Duck says, "I was goofing around in an F-16 fighter jet and I pressed a button I guess I shouldn't have, and... well... I blew up downtown." Goat says, "You blew up-" Rat says," Uh uh uh uh uh" Rat says, "My client commenced the revitalization of the city's once-thriving commercial district." Goat says, "Some people get permits." Guard Duck says, "Missiles are quicker." Rat says, "Urban renewal: It just can't wait."
joeshmo30 almost 12 years ago
aww man! mai second favorite comic of pbs
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
Missiles are indeed quicker… and much more efficient than government-issued permits, I might add.
gocomics almost 11 years ago
Worked for Tokyo:
No One in Particular over 2 years ago
I could see a state politician saying this.
The one and only Eldest Arc (now at peace) over 2 years ago
Wait, you can get a permit to take out downtown?