Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 13, 2010
Rat says, "Your strips have been stupid lately. From now on, I want the right to veto the ones I don't like." Stephan says, "Sorry. In this congress, I'm a majority of one." Rat says, "I see. So in this so-called 'congress,' I am a minority." Stephan says, "That's right." Rat says, "If you'll excuse me." Rat says, "'Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and-'" Stephan says, "What do you think you're doing?" Rat says, "Reading 'Moby Dick' in its entirety." Stephan says, "Why??" Rat says, "It's called a filibuster." Stephan says, "You cannot filibuster a comic strip!!" Goat says, "Senate rules do allow it, Steph." Rat says, "'I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery-" Pig says, "Get to the whale! Get to the whale!!"
gocomics over 13 years ago
Why didn’t Pastis just make himself President?
99mudkip over 11 years ago
Or he could be senate, president, and supreme court.
singkong2012 almost 11 years ago
OOh Gawd
PBS1! over 5 years ago
Hahahaha the growing repartee in panels 5-8
Bye Bye Jeffy almost 4 years ago
so that is how moby dick starts