The “Company” is implying that they build crap and are unsure how long the “product” may last before it falls apart! ALSO; if the :Product" does last the required time, then you have paid EXTRA money for guessing that the “product” WILL FAIL!WHAT-EVER HAPPENED TO GUARANTEES and PRIDE -IN-WORKMANSHIP??
pride in workmanship went out the window when American manufacturers closed their plants in the States and opened or subcontracted their work to “communist” countries.
FUNG1 over 13 years ago
The “Company” is implying that they build crap and are unsure how long the “product” may last before it falls apart! ALSO; if the :Product" does last the required time, then you have paid EXTRA money for guessing that the “product” WILL FAIL!WHAT-EVER HAPPENED TO GUARANTEES and PRIDE -IN-WORKMANSHIP??
comicnut4636 over 13 years ago
Moved to China, India, Pakistan, Viet Nam, Honduras, Bangladesh, Japan, Mexico… what the heck…just pick another country other that the U.S.A.
REDROCKER51 over 13 years ago
HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNITED STATES MAKES STUFF HERE !!!!!!!!!!( hold on and i will try and find out what it is )
route66paul over 13 years ago
pride in workmanship went out the window when American manufacturers closed their plants in the States and opened or subcontracted their work to “communist” countries.
doc white over 13 years ago
Shut up and give me my crap so I can leave.