Geech by Jerry Bittle for March 16, 2014

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Once in a while I will be driving my big truck on the highway and listening to the radio or talking to a friend when I realize I don’t know where I am. It takes a couple of seconds for me to roll past a sign or sometimes I get impatient and check my freight bills to see where I am going to remember.

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    stillwaterart  almost 11 years ago

    Phone booth ???? He’s driven to a foreign country.

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    robert3750  almost 11 years ago

    Keep in mind these are old strips, so phone booths hadn’t vanished yet.

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    dzw3030  almost 11 years ago

    I was “zoning out” during my commute, one reason I left California. I’d wake up half way to work at 20 mph in bumper to bumper traffic and not remember getting there. All that to travel 15 miles.

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    katina.cooper  almost 11 years ago

    Maybe he can find the lost dog and they can both get back to civilization.

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