"If you could have a conversation with one person, living or dead, who would it be?" "The living one." "You must think I'm really stupid."
Good answer ;)
Funniest Strip Ever
Rat makes this same joke about 8 years later, and I THOUGHT that I had heard it somewhere before.
I….. dont get it….
Yeah you are
After more than a dozen years this remains my all-time favorite Pearls Before Swine strip. Well done Mr. Pastis!
One of my top 5 PBS comics.
Probably the most famous strip
Yeah rat, really insulting pigs intellegence
Valis616 about 13 years ago
Good answer ;)
evanisdaman almost 13 years ago
Funniest Strip Ever
Gun guy over 12 years ago
Rat makes this same joke about 8 years later, and I THOUGHT that I had heard it somewhere before.
KatP Premium Member about 12 years ago
PearlsBe4SwineFreak13 about 12 years ago
I….. dont get it….
dchur123 almost 11 years ago
Yeah you are
Nicholas Taylor about 10 years ago
After more than a dozen years this remains my all-time favorite Pearls Before Swine strip. Well done Mr. Pastis!
Booklady1 Premium Member about 10 years ago
One of my top 5 PBS comics.
PBS1! almost 5 years ago
Probably the most famous strip
Needabettername about 2 years ago
Yeah rat, really insulting pigs intellegence