Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 22, 2000
Brad is head first under the hood of his car, as Luann approaches, carrying a soft drink. Luann asks, "Now what's wrong with your car?" Brad replies, "Nothing's wrong with it." Sipping her soft drink, Luann says, "Oh. Yet you've spent all day dismantling the engine. I don't get it." Brad is still head first in the engine, saying, "Well, I don't get it when you spend all day trudging around the mall, trying on clothes you don't have money to buy." Luann says, "That's FUN." Brad, still with his head in the engine, says, "So's this." Luann asks, "Futzing around with greasy engine parts, all hot and sweaty with oil up your nostrils - that's FUN?" Brad raises his filthy head out of the engine, saying, "Y'know, it was a lot more fun about two minutes ago."
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member over 12 years ago
Whatever happened to Diane? She just fell off the radar.
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
when i first saw the wrench hanging on brads pants in the third panel, i thought………………………… know what, nevermind.