Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 08, 2002
"In ENGLISH CLASS, we had to write a descriptive paragraph. See if you can guess what mine's about." "Squatting like a massive toad in a pool of its own petroleum-based excretions, it rarely moves. When it does manage to go, it belches toxic fumes and leaves a smear of oil and gasi. Its ugly exterior is pocked and corroded; its disgusting interior is blotched with greasy food stench. It demands endless maintenance and attention yet remains a money-sucking heap of worthless debris." "Hm.. now what should I title this?" "'Luann.'"
Purple People Eater over 3 years ago
Is she talking about the car, or Brad?
FrostbiteFalls about 2 years ago
Geez, Brad, at least give her points for being so articulate.