Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 12, 2004
"Luann and I are about to have one of those happy memory moments: we're gonna look at my old yearbook" "JB HS 65" "What a nice idea, Frank" "Frankie- Have a groovie summer! You'll drive the girls crazy with those muscles of yours! Ann" "?" "Frank- I enjoyed being in speech class with you. I predict you will be president someday. Really! Respectfully, Mary" "DeGroot: I urge you to pursue your natural talents! I expect to see you in the NFL!! -Coach Erwin P.S. Playing quarterback!" "Frank-O: Thanks for always cracking up dull ol' math class. You're the funniest guy on earth! Still laughing -Larry" "To one cool guitar player. Someday, you'll be a star and I?ll say 'I knew him when.' Doug" "You were really something back then, dad. What happened?" "Well? How'd your happy memory moment go?" "Too much memory, not enough happy"
Mikeyj over 12 years ago
Luann looked happy…
supersexyghotmew95 about 12 years ago
larry butz probaly
Le'Roy Hawkins over 6 years ago
Frank’s 57?