Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 29, 2011
Chazz: Wow, I've dreamt about you guys getting along like this! Chazz: In my dream, Poncho's face was a little more relaxed, but.... Carmen: I see now how wonderful Poncho really is! You can now consider me a "dog person"! Chazz: Um, the, um... Chazz: You gotta fix the inside-out ear.... Carmen: Oh, shoot, sorry!
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
The ear-scritching takes a little practice.
kreole over 13 years ago
And overlook that dogs roll in stuff………..
kreole over 13 years ago
i was eating boiled crawfish when the head’s gooshy guts fell on the floor. Instead of my dog eating it, he rolled both sides of his head into it.
Hillbillyman over 13 years ago
Poncho’s expression in all four panels are priceless
StelBel over 13 years ago
As much as I love dogs, I try not to think about what they like to roll in, Kreole! LOL
ciel over 13 years ago
Now we know another side of Poncho—-of his ear, that is.
drose57 Premium Member over 13 years ago
EARS to you, Poncho!
Xane_T over 13 years ago
I wonder how many times Paul had to draw that before it looked right. I still have trouble with the fact that his ears and tail aren’t technically attached to anything…
MittensRhino over 13 years ago
Don’t think Poncho likes the idea very much, his expression is just too funny