Bob the Squirrel by Frank Page for August 25, 2011

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    karijo0927  over 13 years ago

    Lol!! I was just saying almost this exact thing the other night when I had to drop $75.00 for my own kids school supplies. When I went to school all you needed was a pencil and paper. Maybe a calculator. That was it. Anything else was extraneous.

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    FrankPage creator over 13 years ago

    honestly, after seeing the list i got, i wondered if we’d even have to provide the desk and chair for her… on top of the taxes that already (should ) pay for that stuff…

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    dahawk  over 13 years ago

    The elementary schools in my area give out the supplies list and, when the kids bring them to school, they collect them all up and sort them into supply bins for all to share. Problem with that is some are good quality and some are cheap crap.Why not just collect a fee from every student and go out and buy the supplies in bulk and all of the same quality.

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    JP Steve Premium Member over 13 years ago

    In my youth (ca. 1960) the local department store got lists of supplies from the surrounding schools. When parents came to shop they could pick up a parcel containing all the supplies required for a particular school and grade.

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