Jen Sorensen for August 09, 2011

  1. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    The current hate campaign against Mrs. Obama for saying that people should eat healthier is ridiculous. She’s a Mom, that’s what good ones do. She’s not a government official & she’s not writing laws, & she’s okay with eating ribs sometimes.

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  2. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    a sardonic smile accompanied by a slow shake of the head and an audible sigh

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  3. Missing large
    RaiseMoreHell  almost 13 years ago

    Perkins is a little too liberal to be a rep from Idaho, unless maybe he’s one of Larry Craig’s special friends.

    The people who founded American conservatism like Russell Kirk and Richard Weaver were definitely for conservation, but that got thrown out in the reign of the puppet president, Alzheimer Ronny. All the GOP and half the Democrats are for corptocracy. Left and Right isn’t the issue, it’s Top and Bottom.

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  4. Stupidity 1170973245
    rob9108  almost 13 years ago

    My day wouldn’t be complete without a snide, yet pointless statement from Tig. The issue behind the cartoon, dear Tig, is the corporate rape of the environment. Yes, politicians have been padding bills since time began, and it’s wrong when either party does it. Be that as it may, the real issue of all four panels is the en-vir-on-ment. Sound out the big words and you’ll get there in time…

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  5. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    The wealthy own—OWN—the Teapublican Party. The American People must ignore the spew from the plutocrats’ rightstream media and vote out these pathetic Teapublican pawns.

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  6. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 13 years ago

    Lord, don’t mention that 2nd Amendment nuts were the original conservation movement. Don’t let the Libs know Audubon shot over 100 birds for everyone he painted. For Christ’s sake don’t mention the Boy Scouts have taught conservation for a century and a half because they don’t want gays giving moral values to our kids. Conservation—conservative, naw, couldn’t be.The advantage of organic fuel it can be stored. FDR had a brilliant Idea to harness the 50 foot tides of Maine. Someone asked, "Will the power be there when you want it. We need power at peak, not 7 PM. Solar, wind, can you promise me power at 3 PM when we need it? Coal, gas, and oil is dependable. The power plant can crank the power when the people and businesses need it. Is the wind going to blow harder in a heat wave?Ethonal was a great unthought of idea. Less MPG, more exhaust pollution, more ground pollution (tons of nitrogen) and the poor can’t afford to eat. Brilliant. Sweeten the stupid idea with government substidies. Love it.Wood, renewable energy. Towns across America passing laws against outdoor furnances. I guess it’s child labor to tell chop wood. Drive him to Burger Butt and don’t forget to throw the wrappers out the window. At least your not giving your kid physical and moral exercise. Terrible, chopping wood.Do you drive? Why? Oh, you would live near work but you don’t want your kids exposed to us poor people and people of color. You have a nice green lawn without chemicles and mowing? Er, what happened to your old roof material when you had it replaced.. Do you use one white or black trash bags? Four?You liberal hypocrites discust me. Green yea! Unless it easier to ignore. How many in your car pool. How long you wait for the train/bus? I know, your time is too important.

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  7. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    Nola, I am no fan of the lily-livered Democratic Party (your remark, by the way, wants help in both spelling & grammar: “Democrat” is a noun; “Democratic”, an adjective), but two wealthy men hardly comprise the plutocracy that owns the Republican Party, a fact that you don’t deny, thank you very much.If Warren Buffett owns the Democratic Party, then why does it press to raise his taxes? Although the Democratic Party is also too close to the rich and too far from the oppressed, working-, & middle-classes, it certainly doesn’t behave as if it is owned lock, stock, & barrel by the rich, and one cannot say the same for the Republicans.As to your maligning of Soros & Buffett, they have certainly employed a great many people, and they continue to help employ people worldwide. More importantly, please disabuse yourself of the notion that the rich create the jobs. We have just finished a decade of rampant greed combined with the lowest tax rates in a century, and the job growth was the worst since World War II. Lower tax rates do NOT decrease unemployment.

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  8. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    Nola, I am no fan of the lily-livered Democratic Party (your remark, by the way, wants help in both spelling & grammar: “Democrat” is a noun; “Democratic”, an adjective), but two wealthy men hardly compare to the plutocracy that owns the Republican Party, a fact that you don’t deny, thank you very much.If Warren Buffett owns the Democratic Party, then why does it press to raise his taxes? Although the Democratic Party is also too close to the rich and too far from the oppressed, working-, & middle-classes, it certainly doesn’t behave as if it is owned lock, stock, & barrel by the rich, and one cannot say the same for the Republicans.As to your maligning of Soros & Buffett, they have certainly employed a great many people, and they continue to help employ people worldwide. More importantly, please disabuse yourself of the notion that the rich create the jobs. We have just finished a decade of rampant greed combined with the lowest tax rates in a century, and the job growth was the worst since World War II. Lower tax rates do NOT decrease unemployment.A last note on employment: If you expect that the rich create jobs, then you must hate Mitt Romney, who has gotten richer while cutting jobs: 385 at American Pad & Paper, 2000 at Dade International, & 2100 at DDI Corporation.

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  9. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    Lew, I saw my name in your remarks, and I broke my rule & began reading them, but you were obviously drunk when you wrote them—or you are utterly incoherent when sober.In either case, they are inarticulate to the point of unintelligibility. I feel increasingly sorry for you and for anyone who must listen to your rants.

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  10. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  almost 13 years ago

    Brian, I enjoy that your commentary stays on point and doesn’t bother with silly things like substance, preferring instead to comment on style points. I don’t always take time to proofread my comments, so the inevitable typo will slip in. One thing I must ask about your comments on grammar, if a member of the “Republican” party is termed a Republican, then would a member of the “Democratic” party be thusly termed a Democratic? The answer is obviously no, which is why I choose, (and grammatically correctly so by many accounts) to call the party the Democrat Party rather than Democratic Party.

    And you’re correct, I don’t deny that many wealthy folks control the Republican Party because I, unlike you, don’t fear the truth, which is that both parties are controlled by money. I’ve stated before that I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 Presidential election, and I will do so again in 2012 because he is the only candidate (Democrat or Republican) who actually speaks the facts when it comes to both the causes and the remedies for the economic situation our government is in right now. You must be intelligent enough to understand that there will be no economic recovery of the private sector as long as the threat of governmental misfeasance and economic collapse looms over this nation. One has only to look to the gross inefficiency and flat out failure of all of the programs designed to pull the nation out of the recession (most assuredly helped along by the policies of George W. Bush and the Democrat-controlled Congress he was saddled with) it is now in to understand that. I suppose though, when you are bound to a political party regardless of their ineptitude, simply because they promise to do things for you, despite their dismal record of delivering on any of those promises in a meaningful manner, you can’t see beyond their smoke and mirrors, and you must dutifully partake heartily of their bovine excrement, and parrot back the phrase “Thank you sir, may I please have some more” instead of looking for alternatives.

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