Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 30, 1995
Bernice says, "Y'know, if you'd treat Gunther with a little respect, maybe he'd stop acting like an insecure doofus." Luann says, "Oh, right. He's a regular stud in geek's clothing." Bernice says, "I mean it, Luann. He needs someone to show him that he's not the loserhe thinks he is." A compliment from you could do wonders for his self-esteem.:" Luann says, "Fine. I'll swoon over his powerful, sexy command of algebra." Bermice walks off and says, "Just be nice to him on your date, that's all I'm saying." Luann says, "How's this: 'OOO, Gunther! What a big, manly vocabulary you have."
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
When Luann is being nice to him, Bernice turns into the jerk.
Naldrin about 1 year ago
Well, Luann, you found him manly when he decided not to fight with the two jerks at the minigolf or when he saved Puddles.