Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 16, 1999
Luann is in high school with Bernice and Delta. Luann says:"I'm having a little get-together for my 16th birthday. Gifs are optional" She gives Delta an invitation. Luann is with Gunther, Knute, Bernice and Miguel. Luann gives them invitations, Luann says:"You guys are invited to my birthday party on Tuesday. Gifs are optional" Luann gives an invitation to Aaron and says:"Sweet 16 party, Aaron. Gifs are optional" Luann is with Bernice. Luann says:"Does my 'gifs are optional' sound sincere?" Bernice says:"Nope" Luann says:"Good"
peanuts511 about 10 years ago
at first i though in the sencond panel that the part above the black on her t-shirt was skin and the collar was a necklace or something