Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 10, 2011
Mrs. Godfrey, I have a seating chart question. How come you make us sit in a boy-girl-boy-girl pattern? Nate, sure;y you're mature enough that you don't object to sitting near girls. Girls? No. Girl. Singular. Mrs. Godfrey, can I get extra credit for finishing the worksheet first?
michael100 over 13 years ago
annoying gina strikes again!
hometownk Premium Member over 13 years ago
Will we get reference to his 99% at the end of last year?
I actually thought Mrs. Godfrey would give him 0 because she thought he cheated.
hariseldon59 over 13 years ago
Speaking of girls, whatever happened to Jenny? Does Nate still have a crush on her?
charlienash88 over 13 years ago
Now, THAT really is annoying… extra credit, my foot.
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
in the real world, there is no thing as extra credit. ihop won’t put an extra bacon on your plate if you don’t ask for it. turn in some paperwork early means squat.
jploch5408 over 13 years ago
In the real world, if teachers would pick on students as much as Mrs. Godfrey does with Nate, parents would scream bloody murder. In the comic world, even Marty is too much of a wimp to take Mrs. Godfrey on.
arson549 over 13 years ago
Darn. I’ve been gone for a while. Sorry.I wonder what is actually IN Nate’s locker. He would have a very long list if he did Inventory. I’m trying to think of ways to decorate my locker. I’m thinking about Origami.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago
Oh no it’s Gina!!
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
In the real world there often is “extra credit.” The waitress or cook or cashier at IHOP may have no authority to give you any more than what you’ve paid for, but you are in a position to tip better if the service or food was better than just “good enough.” If you have a good attitude and are willing to go the extra mile, you can catch a lot of “breaks” that are unavailable to those who are satisfied simply to “do their jobs.”
astar15 over 13 years ago
What is the most annoying thing on earth and rhymes with petunia? It’s..GINA!!!
alan valdes over 13 years ago
oh no i have not been commenting!! by the way this is johphan but now i am alan valdes
Comiclover4ever over 13 years ago
woah. what grade are they in=?
Dark ages almost 12 years ago
Gina seems even more annoying than usual
Tater over 10 years ago
I hate the boy-girl-boy-girl seating chart. It really sucks.
THE #1 COOL KID! over 8 years ago
I thought Chester sat in front of him
Unicorn55 (Happy New Year 2022!) about 3 years ago
I wonder if anyone noticed this…If Gina asked for extra credit when she KNOWS she got a hundred, why is she asking for extra credit? Did she think she got a bad grade and trying to suck up the teacher to give her extra credit, or is she just trying to make a better grade than a hundred?
BionicLMAO i have free account almost 3 years ago
Tm is 9/11
doctorwho29 over 1 year ago
Gina is pretty obnoxious