But madame did not expect such a thing when she ordered the “Woodland Glade Spicy Mushroom Croquette”??
But it does disguise the smell of rotten food and burning.
I consider burning food a test of the emergency broadcasting system, smoke detector for short.
Eldo, definitely mostly boomers, myself included.
And don’t feel bad anyway — I don’t think anybody got mine. (sniffle)
Must be the apple cinnamon deodorizer.
Eww, cough, and gag! X-p
November 25, 2017
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
But madame did not expect such a thing when she ordered the “Woodland Glade Spicy Mushroom Croquette”??
pcolli over 13 years ago
But it does disguise the smell of rotten food and burning.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
I consider burning food a test of the emergency broadcasting system, smoke detector for short.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Eldo, definitely mostly boomers, myself included.
And don’t feel bad anyway — I don’t think anybody got mine. (sniffle)
lin4869 over 13 years ago
Must be the apple cinnamon deodorizer.
burleigh2 over 13 years ago
Eww, cough, and gag! X-p