Eww! This Neo-Tarot deck is not to my liking!
Ah, but inverted it means you have a Viagra addiction.
Are we sure she’s not working for the little blue pill?
Check back in four hours if the condition persists……☻
“… Next… you have drawn the Broken Wind, the card of flatulence.__
No Honey, turn the game back on. The psychic told me——
What newspapers carry this garbage?
October 30, 2015
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Eww! This Neo-Tarot deck is not to my liking!
pcolli over 13 years ago
Ah, but inverted it means you have a Viagra addiction.
The Reader Premium Member over 13 years ago
Are we sure she’s not working for the little blue pill?
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 13 years ago
Check back in four hours if the condition persists……☻
DanielBeyer over 13 years ago
baileydean over 13 years ago
“… Next… you have drawn the Broken Wind, the card of flatulence.__
lewisbower over 13 years ago
No Honey, turn the game back on. The psychic told me——
killacowinWA over 13 years ago
What newspapers carry this garbage?