Heart of the City by Steenz for August 30, 2011
Yes,it's bag man, the grocery store crusader! Swift as a loose shopping cart! His hands encased in radioactive bags for a super one two punch, bag man makes his way to the crime scene.... Heart: Is it just a coincidence that all superheroes also happen to be excellent costume makers?
rayannina over 13 years ago
It comes with the gig, Heart. Either that, or you hire Edna Mode.
zero over 13 years ago
Questionable choice of emblem…
Stormy Weathers over 13 years ago
er, maybe a litle brown bag w/handles enclosed in a circle would have been a better chest emblem.
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
I’m surprised Heart hasn’t noticed the “B.M.” yet…
Piksea Premium Member over 13 years ago
Good question, Heart! I’ve always wondered about that myself. @Rayannina hee! I love Edna Mode!!
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
I can remember a couple of superheroes/supervillains who had deliberately bad costumes. Marvel used to have a character named Captain Ultra (sometimes a hero, sometimes a villain) who had a wide array of amazing powers but his costume was garish enough that the other characters would comment on it. Wonder Man also went through a phase of bad costumes before he gave it up and switched to a simple white-pants/black-T/red-jacket/sunglasses look.
I also liked that the Wasp (for a while) would never wear the same costume twice. But then, she was a wealthy socialite whose identity was public.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
Edna Mode would NOT approve of Bag-Man’s cape. It’s a fatal accident waiting to happen.
EricAlder over 13 years ago
Speak for yourself – I look smashing in an apron!
JoePhan over 13 years ago
Spiderman’s web wouldn’t be a good choice for making a costume, Night-Gaunt. It’s designed to evaporate after a few hours, eliminating cleanup problems.
kfaatz925 over 13 years ago
Excellent motto, Bag Man.
CougarAllen over 13 years ago
This one might be a bit less than excellent….-Cougar :{)
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Real heroes know how to sew.