The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for September 20, 2011

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 13 years ago

    Burl is right on with his comment today. Verl posture makes mine look perfect.

    Welcome, ElmoFudpucker. To what do we owe this honor?

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 13 years ago

    To answer the queries, yes, I do ride 27 miles in one day. I have an area around the neighborhood that I ride in, and I do laps. It usually takes me about 2 hours and 45 minutes. Now that the sun is rising later, I may not be able to do as many miles as I could when I was starting at 5:30 AM.

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  over 13 years ago

    And did you win, perchance?

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Speaking of Planet of the Apes, I think she looks like a gorilla, perhaps Aldo.

    Morning, All

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  5. E
    LLABDDO  over 13 years ago

    Dignity?The Penny’s don’t know the meaning of that word.

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  6. Screen shot 2018 08 04 at 11.57.33 pm
    gimpysgirl  over 13 years ago

    Next up, Pretty Woman starring Tanya Harding. haha Good jab at Tonya Harding. Nice one, Julie Larson.

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  7. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Don’t DO that Verl. Your back will stick like that, and you’ll always have to walk hunched over with a book on your head.

    Though of course, you will look dignified.

    Or at least …stately. As big as Ohio and as wrinkled as West Virginia.

    Pretty Woman starring Tonya Harding!

    Another great role model.

    G’morning Marg, Grog, and all you other Crustwoodians arriving later — oh, and the newly rotated OddBall just arrived. Hello!

    And, um…. welcome to Crustwood, Elmo the well-traveled, but……

    well, I don’t understand why you’re saying those things to Marg in Spanish.

    We LIKE to say silly things here; it’s a comics website…..

    And what does that have to do with pregnancy (speaking of silly things to say)?

    Am I missing something?

    It IS nearly midnight…..

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  8. Missing large
    clucky  over 13 years ago

    Love the tilt-a-hurl shirt !!

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  9. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Here in Illiniois……… the “Popes Nose”……. refers to the little tail of a chicken.. At dinner……. you might hear the question….. Who would like the Popes Nose..?…. Also callled the last part of the chicken……. to go over the fence………..

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  10. 170
    finale  over 13 years ago

    Looks like Verl just joined the “Deportment of Silly Walks”.

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  11. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    @Blue Waves- I remarked on that yesterday when it first happened – All the single panel strips are now this size and multipanel are another – uniformity! ;-(@Susan, I was hoping to mention that Tonya (another example of poor deportment) and if Joy at least had a coach for the first lesson in posture, she might be doing it correctly. Why did Elmo think asking him if he won gambling was foolish and what makes him expect to see you in a jury box?

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  12. Cherries
    anniebodyhome  over 13 years ago

    I survived walking under the “Tilt and Hurl”. (Look out below!)

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  13. Cherries
    anniebodyhome  over 13 years ago

    It did shrink Blue, and someone explained it the other day (maybe Susan?).

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  14. Cherries
    anniebodyhome  over 13 years ago

    Sorry Dazz, forgot who it was. And I guess my computer is being slow to update again, because I didn’t see any comments after BlueWave till just now!

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  15. Missing large
    mindyjean_70  over 13 years ago

    Hi everyone—love the Dinette Set and all tthe funny comments that you all post

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  16. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  over 13 years ago

    Susan,Your avatar is an R. Crumb character, correct? Suzy Sunshine, perhaps? I love it, but I can’t track it down, and my Crumb collection is pretty good. What comic is it from?

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  17. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  over 13 years ago

    I’ve noticed that some people walk with their palms facing backwards rather than inwards. It looks kind of simian to me. Then again, I wonder how I look to them.

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  18. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ElGuapo — no, not an R.Crumb.

    It’s an original Rod Perry “portrait” of ME!!!

    A treasured gift from Rod, co-creator and resident artist of Brevity, which is pretty much my favorite strip.

    I’ve commented on it almost every day since started having free forums in 2008.

    When we “moved” to GoComics, someone on that forum asked me what I was going to use for an avatar.

    Amazingly, rOdd posted, asking whether I’d like him to draw one for me.

    You bet!

    It’s (very) loosely based on a photo I e-mailed him, with rays of sunshine in the background.

    So…. do you think it’s a good resemblance?


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  19. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  over 13 years ago

    Susan-So cool, a personalized avatar by a famed artist. I’m jealous. Only been at GoComics for a year or so, and mostly for Dick Tracy, but branching out. Will definitely check out Brevity, especially since I’ll have extra time now that I can stop combing the internet and my Zaps, etc. looking for RC’s “Suzy.” I love the bright eyes and friendly smile and rays of sunshine and hope it is a good likeness—it is a great avatar.

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  20. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Got called away just as I was about to answer a couple of other posts…. prob too late now, but….

    Pipe, yeah, PatH is right.

    W VA is covered in mountains, which looks “wrinkled” — especially on a relief map, cos they’re hugely out of scale.

    Illinois is smooth and shiny by comparison.

    As for comic sizes — some strips did, indeed, just become smaller but not all.

    Speed Bump, for one, is still large — hope that lasts.

    I don’t like the new size, and plan to write to GoComics about it.

    I hope others will too — including the artists.

    The magnifier now shows some strips smaller than they were without it before.

    Dinette set is hard enough to see without being smaller.

    I checked, and today’s hi res version is about 100k.

    A couple of old ones I saved are about 250k.

    I know times are lean, but would they destroy the showcase for their product to save that little bit of bandwidth?

    And last - Elmo -

    I went to bed before I saw your next posts.

    Nobody was putting you on trial just by taking a joking interest in what you said.

    We’re a friendly bunch.

    Asking someone of she’s pregnant in a language she might not speak seemed …. well, an odd response, that’s all.

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  21. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    And ElGuapo — thank you!

    Yes, I feel honored by having my likeness done by a national cartoonist.

    And because it was drawn to the proper scale for its use, it looks very clear…. though as with any avatar, it looks better if you click it and see it on my profile page.

    I do tend to smile a lot, though I’m older than the drawing might imply.

    Do check out Brevity…. a very skewed sense of humor, which some don’t get, but is somehow in tune with mine.

    Some days all of us are scratching our heads – but I enjoy working for the joke.

    BTW, Bart hiding behind a Lucha Libre mask seems an odd choice for someone called El “Guapo”.

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  22. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 13 years ago

    Welcome, Elmo. Love your user name, too!

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