NEXT SUNDAY:Sunday, September 11th, 2011, marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11, one of the darkest days in American history. In respect of the occasion, the major comic syndicates have rallied their cartoonists to dedicate their strips on that Sunday to pay homage to those who lost their lives or were injured in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. All of the nearly 100 participating strips, many of which appear on Sunday newspaper editions in color in their own special pullout section, will have an overarching September 11th remembrance theme.Go to:
Tony, I’m glad to hear it. It was certainly one of the darkest days in my memory. My local radio personalities were describing it on my way into work. I don’t recall getting much work done that day. Everyone was watching the news footage on the tube from the time they got in.
I remember watching GMA (as usual) in disbelief as the second plane hit the tower and then both collapsing. Dreadful! I recall thinking the same way as Charlie Gibson—that the first impact was a plane accident—but when the second one hit, I was stunned but realized the truth.
cstewart23 over 13 years ago
Call her bluff! I don’t think she remembers either.
rubinocreative Premium Member over 13 years ago
NEXT SUNDAY:Sunday, September 11th, 2011, marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11, one of the darkest days in American history. In respect of the occasion, the major comic syndicates have rallied their cartoonists to dedicate their strips on that Sunday to pay homage to those who lost their lives or were injured in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. All of the nearly 100 participating strips, many of which appear on Sunday newspaper editions in color in their own special pullout section, will have an overarching September 11th remembrance theme.Go to:
rubinocreative Premium Member over 13 years ago
What’s that one thing you always put off doing?Yesterday’s question was:What is the earliest known painted image?
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Tony, I’m glad to hear it. It was certainly one of the darkest days in my memory. My local radio personalities were describing it on my way into work. I don’t recall getting much work done that day. Everyone was watching the news footage on the tube from the time they got in.
vldazzle over 13 years ago
What I put off doing is any and all yard work when weather is way too hot as it’s been for all of August (and still IS).
lin4869 over 13 years ago
I remember watching GMA (as usual) in disbelief as the second plane hit the tower and then both collapsing. Dreadful! I recall thinking the same way as Charlie Gibson—that the first impact was a plane accident—but when the second one hit, I was stunned but realized the truth.