Cornered by Mike Baldwin for November 02, 2011

  1. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  over 13 years ago

    Just when they get realy good,the wife get a hair up her you know what and gets rid of them.

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    Superfrog  over 13 years ago

    Why would you buy another towel when you already have one?

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    comicnut4636  over 13 years ago

    Maybe he was buying another towel because the NEW one had fallen apart. Too bad towels aren’t made in the U.S.A. anymore.

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    Don Winchester Premium Member over 13 years ago

    That’s about right….same goes for underwear…..I’m not talking about ME, of course…!!!

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    htenhoeve  over 13 years ago

    you get new ones because the husband used the old ones in the garage

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    Ginrummy33  over 13 years ago

    I don’t see why towels need to be washed. when I step out of the shower, I should be the cleanest thing in the house, and using the towel should make it cleaner every time its used. Theoretically. Right?

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