Along with the ideas of several candidates for office. But they get taken out for guest shots every four years.
Funny idea! After three seasons: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous . . . Maybe another network will pick them up for a renewal!
I thought they had one more good season in them.
very cold blooded idea
Along with commitment to providing a better place for our kids to live, and working together to achieve those goals
May 20, 2016
walruscarver2000 over 13 years ago
Along with the ideas of several candidates for office. But they get taken out for guest shots every four years.
drose57 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Funny idea! After three seasons: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous . . . Maybe another network will pick them up for a renewal!
FirearmsKill over 13 years ago
I thought they had one more good season in them.
lancemay over 13 years ago
very cold blooded idea
doofus55 over 13 years ago
Along with commitment to providing a better place for our kids to live, and working together to achieve those goals