Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 23, 2011
Bucky: Here, just try my new fish cereal. This is carp'n crunch. Rob: Buck, what part of I'm a vegetarian are you still having a problem with after 7 years. Bucky: It's fish, it's not meat! Rob: Fish is meat! Bucky: Is an apple not still an apple if a fish butt sits upon it? Rob: If the fish gets ground up and squirted into the apple, it becomes a gray area, doesn't it? Bucky: I dunno, but you just gave me a great dessert idea...
perceptor3 over 13 years ago
Bucky has a valid point. Some “vegetarian” Hindus don’t count fish as meat. I just count it as tasty. But don’t look for me to try fish cereal any time soon. . .
naturally_easy over 13 years ago
Please, Darby…enough with this storyline already. It’s getting old….drifting….off……….zzzzz.
LLABDDO over 13 years ago
Or as a snack food.Fish flavor Potato chips. Fishin Chips
spamster over 13 years ago
pomme frite avec des poissons. sounds just like a french delicacy to me
x_Tech over 13 years ago
Anyone up for an Orange Jellyfish?Maybe Tripe stuffed Bell Peppers or Calamari Fritters?
Wait… Actually Calamari Fritters sound rather tasty.
thewoodman1 over 13 years ago
cat…the other white meat!
Arianne over 13 years ago
Apple Jacks! The name doesn’t even need modifying. Did anyone come up with that one? If not, how’d we miss it?
Arianne over 13 years ago
What’s in a cereal? That which we call a fish, by any other name, would still smell. Get Fuzzy is dear perfection!
Tennessee_Budd over 13 years ago
Rob’s been a grazer for 7 years? Sad.
daphilli over 13 years ago
Seven years ago Rob decided to stop supporting cruelty to animals, improve his health, and greatly diminish his impact on the environment.
JHSayers over 13 years ago
“Carp’n Crunch,” heh heh heh heh heh.
Digital Frog over 13 years ago
What if it’s made with tuna free dolphin?
jpsomebody over 13 years ago
Peach cod-dler
Larry Miller Premium Member over 13 years ago
^ Or since cobbler is a fish (or actually any of several kinds), Perch Cobbler.
Varnes over 13 years ago
Can’t believe we didn’t come up with Carp’n Crunch..(I guess the leave the bones in ’em…).
Varnes over 13 years ago
Probably want to put extra su-garr on it….
luchetti2 over 13 years ago
Meat is Murder … Fish is justifiable homicide
TEAMSATCHEL1 over 13 years ago
I wonder if the people on the Food Channel are reading this?
spirit2002 over 13 years ago
Well Bucky already is a Jackass, so he’d fit right in.
memo.from.daddy.warbucks over 13 years ago
please stop. this joke is getting tired. and a bit sick to my tummy, too.
dare i say it
this is in bad taste.
Arianne over 13 years ago
Apple pike à la modoc sucker, anyone?So, Bucky’s Catholic? Maybe…Cat-tholic?
Hunter7 over 13 years ago
Bucky wouldn’t go for deep fried calamari. Now fresh grape squid soda or calamari salad - with seaweed greens. Nice appy.
Popeyesforearm over 13 years ago
Carp-apple tart. Mmmm. It’s so tasty too!
chezvalentine Premium Member over 13 years ago
“Carp n Crunch” I can’t believe didn’t see that one coming!