I always thought that the most important lesson in government was to screw whomever you could, get filthy rich then run away. Or, if/when you’re caught you “step down to spend more time with the family.” Who knew? Thanks for the lesson, Steve.
Yep, this is what I think about politicians. Serve their corporate and special interest donors first, line pockets second, obtain a promise of a new career from donors when (or if) caught doing something so egregious it can’t be ignored and the elected job is no longer viable.
MelvinLott over 13 years ago
I always thought that the most important lesson in government was to screw whomever you could, get filthy rich then run away. Or, if/when you’re caught you “step down to spend more time with the family.” Who knew? Thanks for the lesson, Steve.
reese828 over 13 years ago
Yep, this is what I think about politicians. Serve their corporate and special interest donors first, line pockets second, obtain a promise of a new career from donors when (or if) caught doing something so egregious it can’t be ignored and the elected job is no longer viable.