I don’t think this spider is going to scare this little Miss Muffit away..
clever, clever!
Curds and whey with spider guts mixed in. Yummy!
But… that’s a stool, not a tuffet. :-( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuffet
Hypnotoad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Uh, either that or Miss Muffet was UGLY!
All the other commentators here today have pretty damn good senses of humor! :D :D
Ahh, that is a red hood.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
I don’t think this spider is going to scare this little Miss Muffit away..
tegm over 13 years ago
clever, clever!
iced tea over 13 years ago
Curds and whey with spider guts mixed in. Yummy!
burleigh2 over 13 years ago
But… that’s a stool, not a tuffet. :-( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuffet
thyasyn over 13 years ago
Hypnotoad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Uh, either that or Miss Muffet was UGLY!
Tricorvus over 13 years ago
All the other commentators here today have pretty damn good senses of humor! :D :D
Gary Wardell almost 4 years ago
Ahh, that is a red hood.