Oh, I think she’s planning on sharing. The short term loss is the balloon, but the bigger long-term benefit that Doug doesn’t understand yet is getting the cookies. Without opposable thumbs, the most Sophie will be able to do is nudge the plate over til it drops on the floor to Doug. Of course, if it lands on Doug’s head and knocks him out, Sophie will get it all…..
Wow, no more coffee for me! I’m really over-thinking this!
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
And maybe he’s just jealous, Sophie. It’s hard to eat cookies when you haven’t got all your teeth.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
You better share those cookies Sophie!
StelBel over 13 years ago
Oh, I think she’s planning on sharing. The short term loss is the balloon, but the bigger long-term benefit that Doug doesn’t understand yet is getting the cookies. Without opposable thumbs, the most Sophie will be able to do is nudge the plate over til it drops on the floor to Doug. Of course, if it lands on Doug’s head and knocks him out, Sophie will get it all…..
Wow, no more coffee for me! I’m really over-thinking this!
anthb over 13 years ago
Is the smiley faced balloon a tip of the hat to the 35th birthday of the emoticon?
lin4869 over 13 years ago
My mother-in-law used to find it amusing to take her false teeth out for the grandchildren. God bless her!