Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for February 16, 2012

  1. Easter powerpoint background
    jennifer  about 13 years ago

    Looks like the pygmys made it just in time.

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    ABComic  about 13 years ago

    Hey, Katman called it yesterday!!

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    brickhouse  about 13 years ago

    Good morning! Fine creators of justice:) go out there and do what is right. Help the less fortunate, the down trodden, and the oppressed. Good luck:D

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    Buzza Wuzza  about 13 years ago

    Good old pygmies! Always there when you need ’em.

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    quartermain  about 13 years ago

    Wake up the rest of you followers of the Royal Apes—Katman—WW2Marine—Wiselad -Apoi and all!!-It’s the call of the Jungle!

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    APersonOfInterest  about 13 years ago

    Aye, Sir!

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    PatyAnn  about 13 years ago

    Yeah! Pygmies to the rescue. I’m still upset about that leopard though.

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    Kydex29  about 13 years ago

    Still trying to figure out what Pygmy blowguns have over the modern weaponry in that chopper…

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    profkatz  about 13 years ago

    Thank you ABComic!Kydex29 once again Yeats came weaponless relying completely on Tarzan to save the dayBwana Quarterman has a busy day ahead of him with his other tribe mates at the senior center.PatyAnn, being an animal lover, I too am still upset about the beautiful black panther. However, the N’dolo pygmy patrol came through with their deadly darts to ensure the rescue!Happy Thursday to all tribe mates! Perhaps we’ll be back to tales of Tarzan’s origin part 2 by next week…….:)=

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  10. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 13 years ago

    the pygmies are standing tall today


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    rdennetteiii  about 13 years ago

    at this point in time US helicopters were unarmed except for some experimental units…

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    rdennetteiii  about 13 years ago

    oh..and miniguns were still on the patent office shelf with other 19th century inventions…

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    rdennetteiii  about 13 years ago

    at least according to wikipedia…

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    profkatz  about 13 years ago

    Yes, “Special Forces” pygmies with potent poisoned darts & sawed-off blowguns! General Yeats is too cheap to waste ammunition on those evil Gurus! :)=

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