Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for October 08, 2011

  1. Cybille
    kathrynismerry  over 13 years ago

    The three dollar soda lasts forever on the hips.

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    nancyroy2  over 13 years ago

    My sister has a fake cake in her kitchen… it looks so real and so delicious!! It tortures my children… and me.

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    tuslog64  over 13 years ago

    My cousin figured out the same about fireworks. One bang and your money’s gone!

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  4. Ruby gloom a
    shewith5  over 13 years ago

    Plastic Ice Cream Soda? Isn’t that blasphemy?

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    rgcviper  over 13 years ago

    You make a good point, Sluggo. But now, I want some ice cream!

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    iced tea  over 13 years ago

    I could go for an ice cream soda, but I’m diabetic. I remember when they only cost 30 cents at Rexall’s drug store’s soda fountain.

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    andymeijers  over 13 years ago

    Many of them used too. But what year is this strip set in? A hand-mixed ice cream soda costs a lot more than 3 bucks around here.

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