Oh dear- look what I've done! I'd better lie low for a while. But I'm only putting off the inevitable. Honesty is the best policy!
You are brave, Fred.
What a ol’ matey.
Good boy Fred, go and get it over with. You will feel better.
Other than your muzzle being dirty you could have always denied, denied, denied.
Thing is, tracking your muddy paws through the house may not gain you the sympathy points for your honesty….
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
You are brave, Fred.
Chconfer over 13 years ago
What a ol’ matey.
redarmrest over 13 years ago
Good boy Fred, go and get it over with. You will feel better.
lighthouser over 13 years ago
Other than your muzzle being dirty you could have always denied, denied, denied.
pedalflower over 13 years ago
Thing is, tracking your muddy paws through the house may not gain you the sympathy points for your honesty….