hammy: I did see a unicorn ninja assassin...I did! I did!! verne: but hammy... how can that be when there's no such thing as plain unicorns? hammy: Gasp! hammy: They've all become ninja assassins??!! Verne: no..that's not what I... RJ: smooth.
Potrzebie over 13 years ago
And soon one will really appear to contradict Verne, the animal equivalent of Charlie Brown.
bubbareb over 13 years ago
There are too unicorns. They’re all just disguised as ninja assassins.
mydogarf over 13 years ago
Way to go Verne. What’s next? You’re going to tell Hammy that Teenage Unicorn Ninja Assassins don’t exist (I saw four every Saturday)
Digital Frog over 13 years ago
Unicorns do exist, they live in Banff. YouTube – Banff Unicorn Sighting
michael.p.pumilia over 13 years ago
I know the Unicorns exist cause the Easter Bunny told me so.
As for Verne, open your mouth and take your foot out. Now put the other one in. They deserve equal time.
KEA over 13 years ago
I really think we ought to get Hammy and Pig together.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
“Mutant Ninja Vern” to the rescue?
firedome over 13 years ago
yes, there are unicorns. i’ve seen them. in fact, there’s one right now, i’m looking at him, in my garden. eating my prized tulips. (thank you, james thurber)