Monty by Jim Meddick for October 26, 2011

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    spamster  over 13 years ago

    Brad can still talk? a good sign

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  2. Bullwinkle1
    Montaholic  over 13 years ago

    Cool! Brad really was in the basement as postulated in these comments the last time he was seen. Let’s see if Dave and Chimpy show up as well.

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    Flogge  over 13 years ago

    I missed out on a couple of years, what happened to Mr Pi?

    Bring back the archives.

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    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    Ah! Brad is resurrected from the dank, dark basement just in time for some Halloween action! Hope Gretchen is her usual imperturbable self….BTW, Brad is looking quite good, considering his affliction.

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  5. Bullwinkle1
    Montaholic  over 13 years ago

    In response to Flogge: Dave, AKA Mr. Pi, appeared for the last time in a regular strip in some December, and then just stopped appearing. There was no story line that explained his disappearance. The professor arrived shortly before or after this, and filled his role as exasperated higher being. Mr. Medick develops a bunch of great characters, then just sadly lets them go – in particular Robotman, Loco, Mr. Pibbs (the anti-Garfield character) and Dave and Chimpy who had a great “Felix Unger/Oscar Madison” rapport. I suppose this keeps things fresh, but there’s something to be said for the familiar, and there’s always the risk that the new won’t live up to the old.

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    revisages  over 13 years ago

    poor Brad, look what the coffee did to him. just not Gretchen’s cup of tea. btw, about Jim Meddick, he has to drop characters often enough because he’d go crazy if he couldn’t have that outlet of creating the new scenes.

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    billyruffian  over 13 years ago

    My theory for the disappearance of characters is that Jim is skating just ahead of legal action for one reason or another, thus creating a need to dispatch the characters in question.

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    M O'Driscoll Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Damn, not the stupid zombie crap again.

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    tobinkat  over 13 years ago

    Liking the Norman Bate’s mother effect at the top of the stairs…excellent comic use of shadowing, glowing spectacles, etc.

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    Varnes  over 13 years ago

    mikeod, come on, ya gotta admit zombies are way cooler than vampires and witches… Christopher Moore’s “The Stupidest Angel” and you’ll understand…

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    Flogge  over 13 years ago

    @ Montaholic, thanks for the update, was reading the archives and up to 2004 strips when the changeover to Gocomics occured.

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