In Japan in the late 1950’s, I experienced the “benjo” while off base. They were unisex hole-in-the-floor toilets used by men, women & children. The culture shock was incredible for a naïve mid-western American, such as myself, but everyone else seemed very blasé about it. Same thing for the communal baths!
Regarding Christian counseling in blog: as a male, I defend to my death my right to spork matches. Those are highly skilled athletes who use sparks. I’m also wondering what language that was translated from.
On another front (so to speak), to avoid turning on the lights I’ve begun to pee sitting when I go in the middle of the night. It not only saves my night vision to get back to bed without a toe stub, but it is much quieter and I’m less likely to awaken my wife.
weeksfive over 13 years ago
Saw these on the blog before today’s strip posted. (it was late again, Teresa).
not a privilege and to sit or not to sit.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Un-huh. And your point is…?
grapfhics over 13 years ago
Happy Little Vegamites? see Tasmanian Devil link on blog
grapfhics over 13 years ago
Oh, and please do not bother the pissants.
comicsnerd over 13 years ago
In Japan in the late 1950’s, I experienced the “benjo” while off base. They were unisex hole-in-the-floor toilets used by men, women & children. The culture shock was incredible for a naïve mid-western American, such as myself, but everyone else seemed very blasé about it. Same thing for the communal baths!
Kvasir42 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Regarding Christian counseling in blog: as a male, I defend to my death my right to spork matches. Those are highly skilled athletes who use sparks. I’m also wondering what language that was translated from.
Bob. over 13 years ago
I remember Japan 1952. Doing back flips in the public baths.
margueritem over 13 years ago
Sporking matches are ever so entertaining.
iced tea over 13 years ago
That’s what we females must do in a gas station restroom. We don’t want crabs.
iced tea over 13 years ago
Girl With Guitar was a beautiful photo on the blog. Keep up the good work, Theresa.
MaxNuclear over 13 years ago
It IS a right, but only if you lift the lid and aim carefully.
Ray_C over 13 years ago
On another front (so to speak), to avoid turning on the lights I’ve begun to pee sitting when I go in the middle of the night. It not only saves my night vision to get back to bed without a toe stub, but it is much quieter and I’m less likely to awaken my wife.
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member over 13 years ago
What the hell is a spork match?I am the self-proclaimed FA spork expert, and I’ve never heard of it.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Oh, but it is a privilege – for men only. :-|)>
cleokaya over 13 years ago
To fornicate while standing is.
Steve Bartholomew over 13 years ago
The guy with the spitting goat is arguing about politics. Something about trying to overthrow the government.