Woman: Whatcha doing? Man: Working on a book. Woman: Whatcha got so far? Man: Nothing. Woman: Well, write what you know.
She should have said, “Well, at least you’re writing what you know.”
chuck computer upside head!
Working title: What a B*tch!"
HaaHaaHaa! Dang!
He might as well stop now.
Ahh, so this was the inspiration behind “My Wife is a Heartless !#$$@” by Anonymous. :-P
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
She should have said, “Well, at least you’re writing what you know.”
CARL FUTRELL over 13 years ago
chuck computer upside head!
pksampso over 13 years ago
Working title: What a B*tch!"
ferritt123 over 13 years ago
HaaHaaHaa! Dang!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
He might as well stop now.
natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Ahh, so this was the inspiration behind “My Wife is a Heartless !#$$@” by Anonymous. :-P