The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for November 05, 2011

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 13 years ago

    There is gonna be some “sky writing” going on.

    Good Morning All

    Good Luck LSU

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  2. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  almost 13 years ago

    Seems a mite “airish” tonight, doesn’t it, Ma? But consider, Burl, which would you prefer, an expired meter ticket while you wait for Ma or have her in the car and…?

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  3. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 13 years ago

    Marg…………If she eats enough cabbage rolls she could launch herself home!!

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  4. E
    LLABDDO  almost 13 years ago

    Oh Burl, stop whining. By now you should know the location of every broken parking meter in town. Beside She’s paying for your dinner.

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  5. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Top o’ the Mornin’ Crustwoodians……

    Welcome to Shennanigan’s, where every night is senior night, and you can gas up while you fill up … though they don’t mean your car…

    I see Marg and Leaky and Mikie and Oddball have all arrived….. Morning, you guys.

    If you’ve already been into the cabbage rolls I might just sit….over…… here….. for a while….

    Looks like Ma brought all her cabbage…. though I can’t imagine that anyplace they’d frequent would take a very big bite out of it.

    I see by his that Jerry’s in touch with his female side.

    Maybe that’s why Verl has to carry Kleenex for him too.

    Leaky…. Call me crazy, but I’m starting to think you might be an LSU fan…..

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  6. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    @GymShoe from yesterday…. I agree that we need to ask again about the size and color of the strip…..

    even though I’m pretty sure they already know.

    Dunno why, but they’ve had immense problems integrating the two websites, and as soon as they fix one glitch another occurs.

    When I wrote I asked them whether they were reducing the size of the comics to control bandwidth.

    I said I thought that was short-sighted.

    Alas, they’ve never answered.

    It never hurts to remind them that we’re waaait -ing….

    But I don’t quite see the value in not commenting one day.

    I think they allow us to comment, in the hopes that we stick around to see the ads…

    But no skin off their teeth if we don’t.

    Just less site maintenance for them, and possibly fewer “hits” counted for Julie, depending on what metrics they use.

    If you have a different take on all that, could you explain, please?

    I don’t mean to undermine any efforts; I just don’t get it.

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  7. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    A buddy of mine had the same problem with sauerkraut.

    Ads, Susan? I don’t see them with the Pro status and neither should you….unless you let your subscription run out.

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  8. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    You’re right, Grog — I don’t see ads with Pro status…. which is why I think they care even less whether we comment.

    They’re just hoping that not everybody who doesn’t pay has ad blockers.

    But whether they collect our 99¢ a month or show us ads, the revenue from users is still a drop in the bucket compared to what they pay their staff, some of the cartoonists, for the licensing for the others, and for web hosting and bandwidth.

    The last two cost a lot more when they allow comments.

    But that traffic helps build good will and “brand recognition” for the artists, which could help sales to newspapers…. their primary business for now.

    and of course they hope loyal followers will also buy a few mugs and T-shirts on this site.

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  9. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    And having the Pro status has allowed me to look upon the archives of a new favorite, Little Dog Lost. Good daily strips and usually awesome Sunday artwork. I’d love to owm a few of Boreman’s Sunday editions, if they were ever made available.

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  10. Byte drhydrogen head
    Dr.Hydrogen  almost 13 years ago

    Her life savings as more than mine.

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  11. 170
    finale  almost 13 years ago

    What they save by having Ma buy their dinners they could use for cab fare for her.

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  12. 1937
    billdi Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    burl is being burlish again — how much would an extra 25 minutes on the meter cost - 10 cents, 25 cents? i don’t know the going rate in crustwood but it can’t be very much-just pocket change.

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  13. Img 0004
    dfowensby  almost 13 years ago

    aire de lune cologne??? eeeeww. free fart perfume. hmmm. is that why he waited on her? that’s just plain gross.

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  14. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  almost 13 years ago

    Can anyone find the teeth in today’s Find-It?

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  15. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    just a long shot but I think the 3 squares on the purse are the teeth.

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  16. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Yeah, I agree the teeth are on the purse (I kinda made a little hint about that, earlier, cos it wasn’t really telling.)

    When Julie does draw them instead of writing the word, it’s a shallow curve with goofy square teeth.

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  17. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    GymShoe, you raise some good points. I have to go someplace but I will answer later, and if you miss it, look tomorrow, ok, please?

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  18. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Say! Where’s the find it?

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  19. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Susan, I think they do want our money and they also want our future subscription fees. Unless the merchandise business is so lucrative that they don’t care. Since that business only exists for certain strips, I wouldn’t think it was all that good. I’d love to buy art work from Little Dog Lost, Dog Eat Doug, Birdbrians & 2 Cows & A Chicken, but it’s never been available.

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  20. My eye
    vldazzle  almost 13 years ago

    I also figured what seemed a design on the purse must be some ugly teeth. I’m waiting for a batch of breakfast bars in the oven before I go up to bed, otherwise I like to go there by now, watch a little of the “light” TV and retire at 10, to get my 8 by sunrise.

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  21. Intraining
    InTraining  almost 13 years ago

    Good Night Crustwoodians….. wherever you are………… ! !

    1 extra hour toninght ….. Will the Sunday comic arrive at 12 or one hour later………! ? ! ?

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  22. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    @Gymshoe and others -

    Whew. Finally made it back here….. probably too late for anybody to read tonight…. sorry.

    I do think tonight’s strip will arrive at the usual time.

    Trains and TV shows have to stick to DST till 2am, so why not the comics?

    BTW — The legal closing time for bars here is 2am, but tonight, at that moment, the clock will revert to 1AM. Are they open for another hour?

    I don’t go to bars so I’ve wondered.

    OK….. answering questions….

    GymShoe yours is most complicated so let me get these out of the way…… though some of this answers you, too…..

    @Grog — I never said they didn’t want our money — of course they do — anything to help defray the expense of running the site.

    I said an active forum is more expensive to run, so once they’ve GOT our money, they don’t care so much if we don’t actually comment.

    Web sites DO like to be “sticky” so they can sell ads and merchandise —

    but the 99¢ they already got from us is already probably more than what they would expect on ad click-through and T-shirts and prints.

    OTOH maybe they want us MORE, cos we already proved we’ll pay to play.

    And personally, I do care whether Dinette Set is too small. It’s on my short-list, both to read and to comment.

    I’m much more known on this site for short puns and quips on other strips, but I write more here (especially today — sorry all!) than on the rest combined.

    I don’t have the wherewithal to buy prints or mugs, or even subscribe to my local paper, which doesn’t carry it anyway, so this is an important stop.

    OK, and quickly — Ron, why do you ask other posters for an answer, if you don’t read the comments?

    Cos if you did, you’d know it’s already been discussed by several people.

    @Leaky – I hear you don’t have to go into mourning! Yay!

    And @ Dave….. aw c’mon, you always knew it did…..

    (Just kidding.)

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  23. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    <GymShoe —

    Sorry about writing a book or two — at least it’s on what is now yesterday’s strip.

    And Sunday, BTW, was about 5 minutes late but it’s here now.

    Will run through your post/questions:

    If The Dinette Set was your main reason to come to GoComics, I can understand your frustration, and why you probably wouldn’t want to pay.

    It’s different for me, cos I used to read about 24 strips on came here, and picked up half a dozen more, when Universal picked up the syndication of my favorites.

    As I said, I no longer get the paper, and I need to get ALL my comics here, not just this one, so I’m quite willing to pay 3¢ a day, even while they work out a few glitches.

    An aside — did you start your online reading of DS on or only when it came back here in May?

    If the former, what, if you’re willing to say, was your name there?

    It was a great size on that site, and the magnified gif was at even better resolution.

    As for a lack of posts throwing it in Julie’s corner….. hmmm…..

    Maybe it would work to some degree — but I sure wouldn’t want to harm, or seem to threaten to harm, her standing here, just to motivate her to help.

    I’d love to know how they determine popularity.

    I did meet a cartoonist last year who said that on sites with star ratings for the toon, like the late, more votes and higher ratings got you more pay from the syndicate, and also helped determine whether you stayed or were dropped.

    The lists here show # of subscribers, so I’m sure putting it on your comics page helps the artist.

    But I don’t know about number of comments, or how often they’re sampled.It must mean something, when Luann gets 250 comments — but can’t be all-important or Pibgorn would still be open.

    Also, I’m not sure whether Julie is even aware on a daily basis of whether we posted.

    As for color and size….Your first possibility makes some sense, and if so, should soon be corrected.

    I don’t, however, think they’re being run B/W cos they’re old —

    Prior re-runs have been re-colored and readers have noted the difference, even comparing them in the archives.

    Cartoonists don’t color their own dailies, only their Sundays.

    They submit the work in B/W, and the syndicates send out every strip to be colored, even old ones.

    In fact, I correspond with someone who colors the dailies for several strips every week — not this one, though.

    Julie posted a few months ago that even the OB with GF was not her choice.

    No, this is some sort of glitch.

    Quite possibly they have even paid for these panels to be colored, but there’s a problem in their delivery system…..

    That was what they said in the past about strips that wouldn’t magnify, till they fixed it — and every now and then one slips back.

    I don’t think GoComics is as immature as all that.It’s been around for years and from all reports worked well.

    But on May 31st it took over 140 more strips, and pretty much doubled in size, and soon had taken on half again again as many readers, by the time we all migrated as well.

    They didn’t double their staff, and they couldn’t double their asset distribution system (the servers, staff, etc that store and deliver the content.)

    It was a bigger job than they anticipated and they’re still “putting out fires” as they occur.

    They’ve posted in several places that responses to inquiries and complaints would be slow while they caught up…. I think you can still find that message on the site.

    I do think we can urge them to work on certain facets more quickly —

    But don’t forget, they get messages from readers of at least 300 other comics, including Sherpa cartoonists who pay a fee every month to be there.

    OK, ENOUGH…. I’m sure I’ve bored everyone to tears, even you.

    Gotta read my Sunday comics — and my poor (two) typing fingers are already nubs.

    See you there!

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  24. Intraining
    InTraining  almost 13 years ago

    I find the history you provided very interesting….. I came over from the Daily Herald newspaper to to …..All was well at the … I was surprised to find the comic large and in color… and also to find there was a comic on Sunday….! ! ! This was all new to me…..I also read “The Grizwells” and “Frank and Ernest”…. I followed @vadazzel over to “Dark Side of the Horse”…. by noticing some other places she comments….One thing I did was suggested in a recent comment by @Phil Beckman to look at The Dinette Set comic on arcmax was the same size and B&W just like GoComics…. “Hummm, maybe it isn’t Gocomics” I thought..… Maybe it is the artist… So I am stumped.. Any more thoughts..… ? ? ?

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