The Knight Life by Keith Knight for October 17, 2011
MAN: Im sick of feeling guilty about my overblown largesses!! I inherited it fair and square!! KK: Someone has to stand up for the rich in the country!! IM doing it by sitting down in the chaise longues in the middle of main street!! KK: since when does a on person protest get covered by 37 media organizations? Clovis: when that one person owns 37 media organizations!
BlueRaven over 13 years ago
Koch-funded Tea Party gets the mass media in on its first breaths of life. Grassroots-born Occupy Wall Street still can’t get taken seriously nearly a month later. Sound familiar?
Zuria Premium Member over 13 years ago
Holy sheep! Keef is one of only maybe 100 or so people in this country who know that it’s really “chaise longue”, NOT “chaise lounge”! Je suis tres impressed! :-)