Maybe it’s time to worry if you are talking to a cat and it talks back – but when you say “pet” there are some that can speak just fine. My wife and I own a Senegal Parrot that not only talks – she does a good job of telling us what she wants. She asks for various treats – by name – says good morning (in the morning) and when it’s getting late she let’s us know when she wants to be covered up (“It’s Goodnight”). And if something frightens her – we get “that was scary”. It’s not random stuff here – she’s clever and says things in context.
Drivel about 13 years ago
Maybe it’s time to worry if you are talking to a cat and it talks back – but when you say “pet” there are some that can speak just fine. My wife and I own a Senegal Parrot that not only talks – she does a good job of telling us what she wants. She asks for various treats – by name – says good morning (in the morning) and when it’s getting late she let’s us know when she wants to be covered up (“It’s Goodnight”). And if something frightens her – we get “that was scary”. It’s not random stuff here – she’s clever and says things in context.