Lice: Check it out! I can zoom in anywhere in the whole scalp!
Wow -- say, what about the uncharted cheek country?
The peak of Mount Nose?
Is there inhabitable new growth in the Beard Forest?
Downloads in a tick.
I hope that’s a lice sensed copy…
Next feature – threat sensor.
That way, they’ll know when to flea…
I’d hate to see where they plug in the power cord.
I think that program has a couple of bugs in it.
Good ones, all of you after me!
It’s a hairy thought.
September 06, 2014
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Wow -- say, what about the uncharted cheek country?
The peak of Mount Nose?
Is there inhabitable new growth in the Beard Forest?
Aussie Down Under over 13 years ago
Downloads in a tick.
Digital Frog over 13 years ago
I hope that’s a lice sensed copy…
wwh85cp over 13 years ago
Next feature – threat sensor.
That way, they’ll know when to flea…
Boise Ed Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’d hate to see where they plug in the power cord.
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
I think that program has a couple of bugs in it.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Good ones, all of you after me!
bmonk over 13 years ago
It’s a hairy thought.