The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for November 07, 2011

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 13 years ago

    I would distance myself as far as possible from these people.

    Good Morning Crustwoodians

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  over 13 years ago

    ‘Hourglass’ was easy today.

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  3. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  over 13 years ago

    Don is correct Marg………..that was two behemoth defenses. Brutal, brutal battle.

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  4. Dsc03321  2
    mikie2  over 13 years ago

    My lightning-fast mind tells me that the Pennys spent all of $18.33 on Connie, and that was likely before they used a coupon, senior discount or other comp! Besides, what about that linen completer set Joy stuffed in her purse and all the condiments Burl put in his pocket?

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  5. E
    LLABDDO  over 13 years ago

    Of course, that includes the $10.00 Burl put in the gas tank, and the Quarter for the parking meter. and he’s probably rounding the amount up. I’d guess he knows to the penny how much they spent that night.

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  6. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    It would be $18.33 for Connie but that’s not how the Pennys roll…..

    First they chattered pleasantly about how they’re gonna have to keep the old car another year…….

    And y’know, they oughta drop down a tier on their cable plan cos the price went up.

    Then they made sure Connie ordered first.

    So she politely chose liver and onions from the $7.95 senior specials menu, with the included hot tea.

    Which meant Burl could order the $16.95 rib-eye steak, and a Coke, and get Joy the $14.95 fried chicken basket with an extra side of coleslaw, and the $2.95 bottomless iced tea.

    Not like they’d ever say “Oh, c’mon, Connie, have the rib platter. It’s your birthday!.”

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  7. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Meanwhile, Good Morning, fellow Crustwoodians!

    “Rinse Bra and Burl’s Dickie”…. ulp…… she wouldn’t mean…?? …no….. but it still gives me the shivers.

    "Keys to V ? ? " — Verl’s? Valuables?

    The left-hand phone note is difficult to read too — but from what I can make out coupled with past examples, I’m guessing “Smells, 911”?

    Marg is right – at least the hourglass is easy.

    Good thing, cos I’m tired…..

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  8. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Yup, it was a good bet that most of that $55 was eaten by Burl & Joy. Connie probably had the chef’s salad.

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  9. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    GymShoe — I read your response to Saturday’s discussion, and I was thinking of heading back there to write mine…..

    But I’ve spent some time tonight chasing “Dinette Set” on other sites, like ArcaMax, Yahoo Comics, etc.

    Everywhere I could find it, so far, the size changes were the same as here, except no place else went back past Sept 27th or so.

    At that point I was thinking maybe it’s Julie.

    Then I realised: Universal syndicates it, so maybe it IS them, cos they send out the same feed everywhere.

    I dunno…. gotta think and investigate.

    Meanwhile, it’s getting really late….

    So….. will try in the daytime.

    Goodnight for now…..

    and goodnight Crustwood…

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  10. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Enjoyed all your comments today…. BUT diapppointed that the color/size did not return ….I was thinking maybe JULIE took a one week vacation…. and just turned in old B&W panels…. NUTS…..

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  11. Byte drhydrogen head
    Dr.Hydrogen  over 13 years ago

    I like the “tit” part.

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  12. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  over 13 years ago

    Catching up for the weekend (no online at home). I was surprised no one commented on Ma’s six-fingered hand on Saturday (11/05). Reminiscent of Jerry’s six-fingered hand on 10/28 (Don’t look if you’re squeamish). Makes you wonder….

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  13. Purrfectgivts avatar001
    Laura Gildwarg  over 13 years ago

    The finials are hiding again. Verla’s chair has one, but Burl’s has none. Hmmmmmm.

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  14. Missing large
    HadYourPhil  over 13 years ago

    Thank you Susan Sunshine for your detective work about the strip!! I hope we can get it back larger and in color…

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  15. Missing large
    elysummers  over 13 years ago

    If brains were bones these two would be a banana.

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  16. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    Leaky- what about the other 2? It cost not a cent for them and $40 for you- I’d speak up at least and say the 40 3 ways…! I don’t do casinos, but went 4 days to Vegas with my BF and his daughter. Each of us got enough comps so we never paid for a meal. I don’t remember about tips as they were buffets we may have stiffed the busers. :-(

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