When we lived in california, our number was very close to the number of a local Catholic church. People who got our number by mistake were usually pretty irritated at us, as if it were our fault. However those calling the Catholic Church were always very nice. Here in Arizona Everybody Must Be Catholic because they’re always very nice when they get our number by mistake.
GR6 almost 4 years ago
Cell jail?
Prescott_Philosopher over 2 years ago
When we lived in california, our number was very close to the number of a local Catholic church. People who got our number by mistake were usually pretty irritated at us, as if it were our fault. However those calling the Catholic Church were always very nice. Here in Arizona Everybody Must Be Catholic because they’re always very nice when they get our number by mistake.
fjblume2000 about 2 years ago
Possibly the 7th circle 0f 7734