Well, she did answer the question. She has decided. Obviously, multi-tasking is not her forte or she might have given an answer to the implied, “and what would that be?”.My oldest would always give a 20 minute dissertation on the why of her answer to the Yes or No inquiry. Of course there wasn’t any cell phone to distract her.
EricAlder over 13 years ago
Typical kid’s answer these days.
Plods with ...™ over 13 years ago
Well, she did answer the question. She has decided. Obviously, multi-tasking is not her forte or she might have given an answer to the implied, “and what would that be?”.My oldest would always give a 20 minute dissertation on the why of her answer to the Yes or No inquiry. Of course there wasn’t any cell phone to distract her.
JP Steve Premium Member over 13 years ago
These days? I was a sprog in 1957 when “Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing” was published!